September 20, 2021

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How To Have A Successful Artist Mindset On Social Media

This is a huge hot topic within the music industry. An artist’s mentality is extremely important now more than ever. Having the best mindset can help with music distribution, promotion, and the overall success of any artist’s music career. 

This is a huge hot topic within the music industry. An artist’s mentality is extremely important now more than ever. Having the best mindset can help with music distribution, promotion, and the overall success of any artist’s music career. 

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We’ve seen that social media can play a huge role when it comes to developing an artist’s mindset. The social media world can be quite competitive and daunting, especially in the music industry. Some artists can become a little too attached to the numbers and compare themselves to other artists on the platform. This can be a toxic mindset to have because not every artist is the same, some may have a larger following and some may have less streams than others. The fact of the matter is, you can’t take this personally and get discouraged the moment you compare your stats to another artist’s. Be true to yourself!

Be transparent and real, don’t fake your life on social media because fans will automatically see right through that. A great way to put yourself out there as a beginning artist is to document your journey and show all the raw behind-the-scenes details of your life. This is the type of content that audiences are interested in and appreciate! Try to make your audience relate to your content, that is how you will capture their attention. The point here is to be personable because audiences would much rather follow an artist who establishes themselves as congenial rather than an artist who brags about their millions of streams. Having a wall up doesn’t work anymore because you are going to miss out on opportunities and new audiences that way.

Digital Music Content

Far too many artists compare themselves to others in the industry. They see that blue verified tick beside an artist’s name or they see the numerous comments and likes on each post. We understand that every artist would love to be verified on Instagram or have millions of visits to their page, but the last thing you want to do is fake it. As an artist, if you buy followers and likes or pay to get a verified account, that will get you absolutely nowhere. In fact, this will do more harm on your social pages. Your digital traffic won’t boost because of paid likes or comments, it’ll boost because of the algorithm. If you post high quality and engaging content on a consistent basis, that is what will get the algorithm to favour your content and share it with more people. Credibility is key. Do NOT buy follows, likes or comments, otherwise your engagement will flounder.

Look at your followers as actual people, not as numbers. This will change your mentality entirely because you will want to push out your content to these people who share the same interests as you. When you have the mindset of “doing it for the people”, this will humble you as an artist and make your talents valued. When you are creating your content, remember you are targeting your niche audience. Don’t treat your social pages like it’s a broadcast. When you deliver personalized content to your specific audience, that is what will make them feel valued and appreciated. In turn, they will engage with your content a lot more and even recommend your account or music to others. All in all, if you are wanting to grow your following, create a personal feel for your audience.

Music Fan Engagement

Focus on engagement and your digital community. It’s all about who you surround yourself with to better your mentality. When you collaborate or partner up with professionals in your industry, whether they be record labels, influencers or music marketing agencies, you will have the ability to reach larger communities and improve your discoverability online. Get creative with interactive features so that fans can share their own content and opinions with you. For example, you can invite fans to submit feedback/questionnaires, videos, or dance clips with your audio. This happens to be a great way to make an impression and forge a bond with online communities. Have a genuine tone and connect with your fan base on a deeper level. 



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