June 22, 2020

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How To Skyrocket Streams On Spotify

Spotify is a platform where music creators can obtain lots of streams when they consistently push out high quality music. However, let’s just say the artist isn’t moving past the 1000 mark, they just can’t seem to get more listeners.

Spotify is a platform where music creators can obtain lots of streams when they consistently push out high quality music. However, let’s just say the artist isn’t moving past the 1000 mark, they just can’t seem to get more listeners. There’s a reason for that, it’s not because of the quality of music, but rather that they’re not reaching the right people. 

Music On Spotify Marketing


Spotify is the most popular streaming platform, so a creator’s music needs to be on there securing streams. In this article, we cover a few hacks to get artists to exponentially grow on Spotify.

First of all, take a look at your profile and consider if it looks professional. Does it have professional photos, a bio and social media links? If your profile isn’t optimum and doesn’t include these factors, it’ll imply that you may not care and don’t push out high quality music. The goal is to drive audiences to your Spotify page, correct? In order to do this, you need to capture their attention right off the bat when they click onto your account. Once you reconfigure your Spotify account and make it the best it can be, you are ready to move onto the next step.


It is now time to determine a strategy for getting on editorial playlists. These playlists are the ones that have millions of listeners and thousands of followers, so of course as an artist, you definitely want to be included on these playlists. Submit via Spotify for artists. You can only do this if your track isn’t out yet. From there, take time to fill out the form; tick the boxes that best fit you and your niche because remember, you are trying to reach audiences that share the same passion and niche as you. 

The most important part of the form is the pitch. There is a section on the form where you can write your pitch to the editors. Explain your track and prove why it is worth listening to and why it should be added to the playlist(s). This is also where you can prove your credibility; have you been on tour with someone? Have you done interviews on the radio, television, or on podcasts? Have you been mentioned in blogs? Whatever it may be, include links in that section that demonstrates your credibility. 

Social Media Ads & Campaigans

Finally, explain how you are going to get people to visit the profile, whether it be through social media ads, paid marketing campaigns, or influencer shout-outs. The editors will want to know how exactly you’ll drive traffic to the profile. Once you have taken the time to fill out the form and provided all the details, you can then submit. This means that the editors are going to listen to your track and make a choice of whether they will put it on one of the playlists or not.

In relation to playlists, artists should also target user-curated playlists on Spotify. These playlists are created by every-day users of the platform. Submit to these as well! If you get on these playlists, your music will be pushed out because Spotify’s algorithm will be working in your favour. Make it known what your genre and niche is or else you won’t be reaching the right audience. You want to reach people who care about your music and love the tunes you produce, so it’s very important to take note of keywords and playlists that are relevant to the music that you provide. 

Now, when it comes to promoting your song that is on Spotify, there a few ways you can let audiences know where to find your track and we mentioned them above. You can either use social media ads or paid influencer collaborations. When it comes to social media and audial/visual ads, it is a good idea to consult with a marketing agency that knows how to leverage digital platforms and tools to get information out to your target audience. Run a social media ad that engages audiences and makes them want to visit your Spotify. These ads could range from short teasers to a promo video to a short clip of your music video. The easiest way to get people to engage with these ads is to show them to audiences who follow artists that are in the same genre as you.

As for influencer marketing, you can get your music out to millions of people with this particular strategy. Influencers can promote and elevate artists by creating viral videos that reach people around the globe. When done right, influencers can share the artists’s assets in a way that is impactful and appealing to music lovers. This can be achieved on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, depending on where the target audience is most active on.

As a whole, all of these hacks we provided will help you grow as an artist on Spotify. These tips can get you millions of streams and attract the audience you deserve.



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